If you have never failed, attempt and long to fail big. We only live and die once. Don't be afraid to fail because failure has been part and parcel of life. The most important thing is what you do after you fail. If we were to count failure, then Jack Ma would be the most victim the world has ever known. Interestingly, today Jack Ma is one of the richest men
in China. How many times did he apply as a young person to join Harvard? 10 times and got rejected. How many times did he apply for different
jobs? 30 times and he was rejected in three simple words, "you are of no
good". His failure made him strong and courageous to face life with a different angle. For the first time, he came up with an idea to start online
marketing company. With his collaborators, he named it Alibaba. Today Alibaba is the largest e-commerce company in the world. Failure does not matter, what matters is what
one does after failing.
Failure does not mean you are a failure; it means you have not yet succeeded. Failure does not mean you have been a fool; it means you have faith. Failure does not mean you are a disgrace; it means you are willing to get what you what. Failure does not mean you are inferior; it means you are not perfect. Failure does not mean you have wasted your life time; but rather you have the reason to begin and start afresh. Failure does not mean that you should give up; it means you must try smarter. Failure does not mean you have accomplished nothing; it means you have learned something great for in life we don't fail, but rather we either gain or learn something. Failure does not mean you don't have it; it means you have to do something in a different way
Nothing is achieved without enthusiasm. You must believe in God and yourself. Remember, in every morning you have two to do; to continue sleeping with your dreams or you wake up and chase them (visionocity)
{Written by Catherine Thomas; a student of Bachelor degree in accountancy}
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