When I was a student of
philosophy, I remember being introduced to the most famous man that the world
has ever known; Alexander the Great. This was a man who conquered the whole world
in terms of war. He subjugated Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt,
Mesopotamia, Persia, Bactria, Punjab as well as India, he all conquered. He is
a man who enjoyed control of a powerful army that never lost in war. He
conquered and grabbed all kinds of wealth. He dominated the world for couple of
years. But his fall was great as himself, just like the house built on the sand
grounds on rain season. His fall reminds me that no one can be proclaimed
successful until s/he enters in the grave. However, his final days offers a moral
lesson to all of us and especially to those who are in the primitive business
of accumulating power and money.
When he was returning home from
war, after conquering many kingdoms, Alexander the Great in Babylon fell sick
and as he was taking breath on the bed in the palace of King Nebuchadnezzar II,
he realized that he was facing his destiny and worthless was his success, gold,
silver, jewels and the power he had accumulated. He realized that he made a
wrong investment. Instead of investing in people he invested in war, power,
wealthy and death.

When I look at Africa, I get
devastated especially when I see what is happening today. Shortly let me take
you through a mental tour in Africa. Before we got independence, we were
colonized and so we came together to liberate ourselves. However, our founding
fathers fought for independence so that we may role ourselves. And so, they
fought for our freedom. The reason why we wanted to be decolonized is because
we wanted to be masters of our own destiny and take charge of our own affairs. In
the enterprise of independence there was Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Modibo
Keita of Mali, Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt, Sekou Touré of Guinea, Julius
Nyerere of Tanzania, Ben Bella of Algeria, Emperor Haile Selasse of Ethiopia
though not colonized, William Tubman of Liberia, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa of
Nigeria, Nnamdi Azikiwe of Nigeria, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, Kennedy Kaunda of
Zambia, and many others.
In all struggles for Independence, Ghana was the first
country to gain independence in 1957. I remember the words of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
when Ghana gained independence. He said, “The Independence of Ghana means
nothing if other African Nations are still in chains of colonists.” He called
for unity for the leaders of each Nation in Africa to come together and fight
for liberation as one. And so, it happened. Guinea gained independence as well as
Gabon and Gambia and all other nations followed. So, we gained independence. We
ruled ourselves.
I remember the first African Union meeting that was held in
1963 in Ethiopia. I remember so vividly the outstanding speech of Kwame
Nkrumah. He appealed in that meeting that they should not terminate that
meeting without coming up with a union; One Nation the United States of Africa.
He said; “Let us not leave here without One Nation (United States of Africa),
one currency, one president of Africa and the capital city of Africa.” Unfortunately,
they listened him not. They were all after power and so each went back to his
country of origin. Kenya had her own president, Zambia had their own president,
Egypt had her own president, Ethiopia had her own prime minister as well as
other nations in Africa. We were determined to rule ourselves.
Historians will tell us that our
leaders promised to build our nations after independence. Schools, health centers,
Infrastructure, free education, jobs, agriculture, good economy they all
promised. It is unfortunate that after 50 years and above of independence, we
don’t have good roads, good and enough hospitals and schools and jobs for our
young people. Africa is still poor. It is unfortunate that we cannot feed
ourselves. Today, hundred-thousands of young men and women die in Mediterranean
Sea going to Unites States of America and Europe to be enslaved. It is
unfortunate that after hundred years of colonization and slavery, today we are
begging to be enslaved once more. “Enslave us, we cannot stay without slavery.”
Today, our leaders cannot be treated in their mother countries when they fall
sick. When Robert Mugabe falls sick, he goes to Singapore, Moi who ruled Kenya
for 24 years will go to Israel. Do we have leaders or misleaders? Mugabe having
dominated Zimbabwe’s politic for almost four decades, he cannot be treated in
Zimbabwe. This too applies to a big number of leaders in Africa.

Our leaders today accumulate a
lot wealth and because they gained through the ways which are unknowable, bank
them in Switzerland; the world bank. This happens as the poor die in the
streets out of hunger. This happens as the orphans and widows spend sleepless
nights because of poverty and insecurity. And I ask myself, where is humanity
taking us? Are we going to the light or darkness? But am not worried because Alexander the
Great reminds me that empty handed I came and empty I will return. No doctor
will ever prevent me from facing death nor will gold and silver accompany me to the
grave. We are all bound to see death and eternal judgment.
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