Monday 23 April 2018


Apollo 11 astronauts in their spacesuits in front of an image of the moon
It will never happen unless it is started.I get worried when I see young men and women endowed with dreams, inspirations and plans   that never get materialized.I ask myself, what goes wrong!!! The devastating thing is, they never get started. When I look at the history of humanity, I realize that the most successful men and women are those who dreamed and got "started".
How many people in the year 1961 lived with John F. Kennedy the president of United states of America? A man whose dreams seemed unrealistic. He wanted to land the united States on the moon.
Image result for images of moon
Related image Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins landed on the moon.These great men   before this legacy,were men just like anyone of us. The difference between them and the dreamers of today is, they dared to dream and immensely pursued their dreams. It took them years of hard work without loosing hope, aiming at reaching the TOP.The National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the time, together with the president understood their common dream and started the mission of sending astronomers to survey the moon and come back on earth.The journey that took four days in the year 1968;Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins landed on the moon.These great men   before this legacy,were men just like anyone of us. The difference between them and the dreamers of today is, they dared to dream and immensely pursued their dreams. It took them years of hard work without loosing hope, aiming at the reaching the TOP.

Image result for images of dreamersThe question is, what are your dreams today? are you a dreamer? When you discover the change you want to become, own that it, embrace it, wear it like armour, hold on the shield tightly as a gladiator ready for war. The greatest failure is to die with no positive legacy behind. What will you be remembered after your demise?

Inspire to be great. Let your words and action inspire someone in this age and the age to come.By your positive achievement, let somebody step out of dogmatic slumber, help somebody to break free from shackles, depression, timidity and whatever holds them back. Spark the beast that lays quietly in them. Be sparkle of hope to your peers.

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If Martin Luther King never stood up in what he believed in, then he wouldn't have been great today. He wouldn't have led the greatest Social Movement in United states of America.Today,  United States of America is built on the foundation of dream."if you can't fly then run, if you can't run the walk, if you can't walk then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward." 

This article was written by Winnicate Muthoni, a student of Nairobi Technical College