In my fallacious assumption, I do believe that in each society, there is
a philosophy that guides and shaves the lives of people. Some of philosophies have been put into texts while others only exist in the very
activities of the people. In this regard, the article presents ‘Wa-kwitu’ Ideology,
a philosophy lived by the Kamba people in Kenya. It is a philosophy that stands
vividly as a life guiding principle in Kamba land.
Etymological Meaning of Wa-Kwitu
Wa-Kwitu is an indigenous lived philosophy in Kamba land which brings forth a sense of belonging. Literally it means wa-kwetu
in Swahili language, and of-ours in English understanding. It means
that every individual belongs to the society. Wa-Kwitu implies that man is not an
island and no one belongs to himself. It strongly denotes that man belongs to the society
necessary. In a deeper explanation, the individual is for the society and
society is for the individual. In other words, the whole is the part and the
part is the whole.
The two entities; the individual and society complement each other and
can never be separated. When the individual suffers, actually it is the whole society that
suffers and vice-versa. In this sense, Wa-kwitu ideology is for the both poor and
the rich, the sick and the healthy, leaders and any common mwananchi. It urges
the community to live together and care for the need of each other. It is a philosophy
that appeals the people to industriously work together in order to reach a
worthy end as a community. Due to its nature, Wa-kwitu creates a ground of
responsibility for the both parties; the society and individual.
instance, every member of this society is condemned and bound to protect the
locality. Each village in Kamba ambient is defined in the way people conduct themselves and therefore,
it is the responsibility of each individual member to build and protect the dignity of the society. It is in this sense that a man will always marry a girl from a
well morally established society. On the other hand, it is the responsibility
for the society to protect and build the dignity of the individual.
The Origin of Wa-Kwitu Ideology
To trace the origin of Wa-kwitu
Ideology, then one has to deeply understand the culture of this ethnicity. For instance, when a child is born, they prepare
a banquet which aims at welcoming the new member in the society. The new born
is a blessing from the creator, an increase, and hope for future continuation
of the society. Unlike, death in Kamba land is perceived as a perverse enemy of the
people and a loss that deteriorates the society. Death is an enemy who comes to
destroy and to murder the individual ‘Wa-kwitu’.
When Wa-kwitu passes away, the society will lament for at least one week before
the burial. Lamentation manifests the loss that the the society encounters. A lot of testimonies will be made in order to show the importance of the
deceased person. If little is said about the deceased, then it is an indication that the
person was a misfit in that society. In this short survey, we can now assert
that Wa-kwitu philosophy is derived from the culture lived by Kamba people. It
is part and parcel of people.
Socio-Economic Perspective of Wa Kwitu Philosophy
The prosperity of Wa-kwitu
Philosophy has always depended upon the people who are mindful of each other. In this sense, the need of the individual member becomes the need of the whole
society and vice-versa.In the perspective of socio-economic; men
and women form self-help and co-operative work groups which aim at reaching one
another especially those who are most in need of help. These groups are called Mwethya which literally means coming
together especially to cultivate land, to build houses, to putt off fire and to harvest in the farms.
Political Perspective of Wa-Kwitu Philosophy
Politically, the
Wa-kwitu slogan is also highly exercised. It is deeply rooted in the daily
running of all communities in Kamba land. The kamba society is divided into villages
whereby each village is ended by headman/Musili. The work of the headman/Musili in the
village is to ensure that all members of the village come together in time of great need. He is there as a father who cares for his
children. He is able to plan and assess the needs of each individual in
the village. In case of emergency, he subsequently brings all members together in order to solve the problem. No one in Kamba land deserts Wa-kwitu especially in time of danger. One must risk his
life for the Other to be at peace.
Religious Perspective of Wa-Kwitu Philosophy
The people of Kamba
land understand God as the one who care and sustains his people. Following the
perfect example of their creator, who is so caring, the element of the Other stands
out strongly. Therefore, one ceases from becoming a friend of God
when he is not at the disposal of the other.
Impact of Wa-Kwitu Ideology
Growth and impact of Wa-kwitu philosophy is vividly present in the
lives of the people within the Kamba land and in the entire country. It has left a positive mark in the economy, security, education and in the promotion of social
activities especially in the country. It has given birth to Harambee
movement in Kenya, and the greater writer of all times in African philosophy; John Mbiti.
(I)Harambee Movement
It is a movement whose principle
strategies are deployed in development of society reaching individuals
especially the less fortune. It is the concept that exist in all traditional
societies in Kenya. Its purpose is to build the nation and fight the challenges
that the country faces. Different names have
been identified for harambee in different communities: Kikuyu-Ngwatio; Luo - Konyir; Luhya - Obwasio;
Kamba - Mwethya; Maasai - Ematonyok etc. This principle was
established when the country gained independence. As it is clearly elaborated
above, the term Harambee existed before in the Kamba land as Mwethyia and the philosophy that guided Mwethya was Wa kwitu. It grew and influenced the political leaders from the
Kamba land who fought for independence and as results contributed in building
the harambee concept.
(II)John Mbiti
He is a man who
understood the concept behind Wa-kwitu.
I am because you are and since You are, I
am. It means for me to be, the
other has to exist and vice-versa. My delight is complete when the other is
happy, fulfilled, and living well. When the other is in troubles, then am affected because 'his'
is mine and 'he' is me. Therefore, the core principle behind wa-kwitu philosophy is
that “you are because I am, and since I am, you are.”
Individualism is a disease consuming our societies
today, whereby people work for their own gratification. People do not mind for one
another. “your business is our business, mine is mine.” Things are okay
when my sectors are not interfered with. The other comes to hinder my peace.
Hereby, wa-kwitu concept tosses a challenge to this kind of societies. Wa-kwitu ideology
simply says that the individual is part and parcel of the society. Wa-kwitu
philosophy is communitarian concept that aims at embracing all members of the society,
both poor and rich, children and adults with the notion that no man is an Island.
It also stands out as a media for development in infrastructure and much more educational
sectors. People who are brought up with this concept, grows up with a great
positive sense of the other, whereby the other is no longer an obstacle to my
peace but rather a contributor to my welfare and for the entire society. The
other is there to build my identity and my well-being. The cry of the other is
my cry and the joy of the other is my joy.
The article unveils the philosophy lived by the Kamba people in Kenya